Thursday, November 18, 2021

David Keaton Exoneree

In 1971, David Keaton out of five men was convicted of murdering a sheriff's deputy who was off-duty at a Florida convenience store. He was one of the members of the Quincy Five. Keaton was the first prisoner exonerated from death row, after being interrogated and beaten by police officers at the age of 18 for three days. At the time, investigators pressured a false confession from the man and were given an inaccurate eyewitness testimony. During 1973, 2 years later, an investigation was made where the actual offender was discovered because of fingerprints found and the ballistic team was able to seek evidence connecting the men who really did the crime so they were convicted after. After, Keaton's post-release he joined the Witness To Innocence participating in activities that go against the death penaltyso nobod else experiences what he went through. Witness to Innocence is an organization for exonerees who did experience the death row and wants to share their experiences to the world about the death penalty and how it may have effected them in their life. Dying at the age of 63, on July 3rd, Keaton was known as a poet, singer and support for those who needed a handof motivation to keep going.

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